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How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer With Essential Oils

Avatar for Gaye Levy Gaye Levy  |  Updated: November 12, 2020
How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer With Essential Oils

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Hand sanitizers have their place in our lives, especially in the sick room where alcohol-based sanitizers rule.  On the other hand, many hand sanitizers currently on the market deliver a chemical brew that results in a sticky, nasty mess along with ingredients such as triclosan and other anti-bacterial ingredients that are now suspected to contribute to the creation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Given that plant-based essential oils are some of the strongest antibacterial and anti-microbial substances around, I have chosen to make my own day-to-day hand sanitizer.  I use this hand sanitizer to supplement good old fashioned hand washing with plenty of soap and water.  This recipe uses  100% organic, cold-pressed Aloe vera gel, organic coconut oil, and a mix and match blend of essential oils.

How to Make DIY Hand Sanitizer With Essential Oils | Backdoor Survival

Before sharing the recipe, let me point out that this is not an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.  An alcohol-based hand sanitizer is absolutely what you need when someone is sick or if you are in a nasty, germy environment.  On the other hand, this is a wonderful, moisturizing gel that will not only clean your hands but will nourish them with the healing qualities of Aloe vera, and the coconut and essential oils.

Natural DIY Hand Sanitizer The Easy Way

Ingredients for 1 ounce
1/2 ounce Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (I used this)
1/2 ounce Organic Aloe Vera Gel (I used this)
30 drops (total) Essential Oils (see suggestions below)

Ingredients for 1 cup/8 ounces
1/2 cup Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
1/2 cup Organic Aloe Vera Gel
120 drops (total) Essential Oils (see suggestions below)

Blend everything together then put them in a squeeze bottle to carry around with you or a pump bottle to keep on the counter.  Personally, I prefer small plastic squeeze bottles that I can keep in my pack, desk drawer or handbag but this is my own personal preference.

Be aware that if your home is on the cool side, your coconut oil will be semi-solid. To easily mix things, I warmed the coconut oil ever-so-slightly before adding the other ingredients. I found it easiest to mix everything in a large Pyrex cup.

DIY Hand Sanitizer | Backdoor Survival

I like to label things so the last step in this project is to label your freshly made hand sanitizer.  They may not be pretty but I find using standard 3M painters tape and a Sharpie makes a great label.

When choosing essential oils, choose individual oils or blends that have strong antimicrobial properties.  Here are some suggestions to get you started:  Eucalyptus, Lavender, Oregano, Clove Bud, Rosemary, Peppermint, and Melaleuca/Tea Tree. This is by no means a complete list but it does include popu;lar, budget-friendly oils that many of us have in our kits.

My favorite blend?  I use this powerful combination:

Melaleuca/Tea Tree Essential Oil
Oregano Essential Oil
Spark Naturals Shield Protective Blend

The latter is a thieves-like blend that includes Clove, Cinnamon Bark, Lemon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.


Note: This week Spark Naturals is offering huge discounts on all of the oils that were part of the 2016 Oil of the Month Club.  What that means is that each of the 12 oils that were part of  OOTM will be $15.99 for this week only.  For those of you that are interested, I am listing the oils and their original price below in the Bargain Bin, but just as an example. Shield Protective Blend, normally $28.80, is only $15.99. 

This is one of the most important oils in my collection and I keep six bottles on hand for SHTF purposes.

As always, you get a 10% discount on your Spark Naturals order using code BACKDOORSURVIVAL.


What is So Bad About Triclosan?

In a word, lots.  Here is a quote from the Smithsonian Magazine article, Five Reasons Why You Should Probably Stop Using Antibacterial Soap.

About 75 percent of liquid antibacterial soaps and 30 percent of bars use a chemical called triclosan as an active ingredient. The drug, which was originally used strictly in hospital settings, was adopted by manufacturers of soaps and other home products during the 1990s, eventually ballooning into an industry that’s worth an estimated $1 billion. Apart from soap, we’ve begun putting the chemical in wipes, hand gels, cutting boards, mattress pads and all sorts of home items as we try our best to eradicate any trace of bacteria from our environment.

But triclosan’s use in home over-the-counter products was never fully evaluated by the FDA—incredibly, the agency was ordered to produce a set of guidelines for the use of triclosan in home products way back in 1972, but only published its final draft on December 16 of last year. Their report, the product of decades of research, notes that the costs of antibacterial soaps likely outweigh the benefits, and forces manufacturers to prove otherwise.

A Word About Aloe Vera Gel

I have been doing a ton of research on Aloe Vera lately and sadly, what you see is not always what you get.  I was shocked to learn that some brands are either not 100% Aloe vera or, even worse, are a synthetic substitute.  I even had some of the sticky, yucky type sitting in my cupboard.  The texture was more like 50’s hair gel than the real thing.

Aloe Vera is a plant and if you are lucky enough to grow some, it works miracles when you experience a kitchen burn.  Break off a piece of the plant and use the healing juice to calm the redness and set you on a path toward healing.  As a matter of fact, the two-step punch of Aloe vera and lavender essential oil is my number one tip for soothing burns.

Getting back on topic, let me just say that there are plenty of quality Aloe Vera gels on the market.  Because I shop online, I chose this Aloe vera from Amara Organics and I am thrilled with it.  Look for this or something similar and you will not be disappointed.

The Final Word

This all natural, DIY hand sanitizer has saved the day on many occasions.  Most recently, on one of our trips to the mountains, I found myself with the urgent need to take a potty break.  This was the middle of nowhere and the TP was buried deep in the bottom of my Bug Out Bag.  I will leave the rest to your imagination other than to say I was able to freshen up my hands after the fact with my homemade germ-fighting hand sanitizer.

On other occasions, I have used this at social functions where there is a lot of handshaking.  It makes good sense to have clean hands going into such a situation but not everyone is with the program in that regards.  Throughout the evening I apply my hand sanitizer which not only smells good but prevents me from acquiring someone else’s nasties.

Remember that washing hands with plenty of soap and water is always going to be your best bacteria-fighting solution.  But for extra protection?  Forget the hand lotion and use this nourishing hand sanitizer instead.  It just makes sense.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

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Below you will find  the items related to today’s article as well as other personal favorites.

Spark Naturals Essential Oils: I use essential oils from Spark Naturals exclusively.  They are high quality yet reasonably priced.  In addition, there are no membership fees and a distributor relationship is not necessary to get the best pricing. Plus, you always enjoy a 10% discount at Spark Naturals using discount code BACKDOORSURVIVAL.

For one week only, all of the 2016 Oil of the Month Oils are on sale for OOTM prices.  Below is a chart showing the regular price on these oils. This week they are $15.99 each and there is no limit.

As you can see, there are some real bargains.  Be sure to check out my favorite Shield Protective Blend which I have highlighted in bold.

Dream ($24.99)
Bergamot ($24.95)
Patchouli ($26.55)
LLP ($18.99)
Essential 4 Pack – 5ML each ($19.99)
Marjoram ($17.10)
Harmony ($36.24)
Birch ($29.99)
Shield Protective Blend ($28.80)
Geranium ($24.30)
Digest ($24.30)
White Fir ($18.30)

There are similar savings on the Premium Oil of the Month Club oils which are $24.99 each.  For more information, go to the Spark Naturals website.

Amara Organics 100% Organic Aloe Vera:  I love this stuff.  Whatever you choose, however, purchase Aloe Vera gel with care. There are a number of products being sold these days that are not 100% Aloe Vera and a waste of your money.  This brand comes with a money back guarantee so you can’t go wrong.

2 Oz Plastic Cylinder Bottles with Flip Top Pour Spout, Pack of 12:  I really do buy these small bottles by the dozen.  They are dirt cheap and have many uses around the house in addition be being a reliable container for my hand sanitizer.

BDS Gift Guide Complete Book of Essential Oils

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, Revised and Expanded:  Before getting to some suggested oils and accessories, let me recommend that if you have an essential oil lover on your gift list, you will want to get this book.  This is a newly updated version of Valerie Worwood’s classic and when I say new, I mean it is hot off the presses.  When my copy arrived in early November, I stayed up until the wee hours reading, learning, and enjoying the insights from the seasoned aromatherapist.  The original has been my EO bible for years, and now it is even better.

Coconut Oil:  Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions has been my preferred coconut oil for years.  I love it so much I purchased a 5-gallon tub.  Really, I did!  I find it very silky to work with and love the taste when used in cooking.  Note that no refrigeration is required and although it solid at room temperature, it melts at 76 degrees.  The Nutiva brand from Amazon or Costco works well too.

But the big news is that Spark Naturals is now selling coconut oil and their prices are great.  The nice thing about coconut oil from Spark Naturals is that you can purchase a small amount for salve-making and still get free shipping when is added to your EO order over $25.  I hope you will trust me when I say this is the good stuff!


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