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How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Congestion

Avatar for Gaye Levy Gaye Levy  |  Updated: November 24, 2020
How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Congestion

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A sinus infection is miserable. Technically called sinusitis, this is a common ailment that first appears to be symptomatic of a common cold but in reality, is the result of swollen and inflamed nasal cavities.  It is often caused by a virus which means treating with antibiotics is useless.  That is just one reason why it makes sense to know how to treat the symptoms of a sinus infection without running to the drugstore for an armload of drugs that either will not work or will make you drowsy and incidentally raise your blood pressure.

Over the past couple of months, a number of people around me have suffered from sinus congestion.  Like a mad scientist on a mission, I started experimenting with essential oils and with the help of Valerie Worwood’s fantastic book on essential oils, came up with a formula that works.  If you have sinus problems, here is a DIY remedy using budget-friendly essential oils along with three different ways to use the blend:  topically, in a diffuser, and by simple inhalation.

How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Congestion | Backdoor Survival

But there is more.  My friends at Spark Naturals have joined me in sponsoring a giveaway so you can win all three oils in this sinusitis busting package.

Before I get into the recipe, let me first tell you that the guinea pig for this blend was Shelly, aka the Survival Husband.  He had been suffering miserably and much to my chagrin, had armed himself with OTC remedies that sucked.  When I say sucked, I mean they not only did not work, but they drove up his blood pressure and caused constipation.  Who needs that?

One week after beginning this DIY treatment, his sinus infection was abated if not gone.  I then shared the blend with a few of my friends (what is there? a sinusitis epidemic?) who had equally good results.

How to Use Essential Oils to Fight Sinus Congestion

The recipe starts with a basic blend of three essential oils that you mix up yourself.

Basic Sinus Congestion Blend

Essential Oil Number of Drops Large Batch Larger Batch
Rosemary 2 8 16
Geranium 1 4 8
Eucalyptus 1 4 8

Add the oils in the order given in a small, glass bottle.  Cap tightly and store in a cool location.

Hint:  I keep empty essential oil bottles on hand for making my own blends.

Method #1:  Inhalation

This is so easy and effective that it is almost embarrassing.  Drop 1 or two drops of the blend onto a clean hanky (or tissue if you must) and inhale.  Breath deeply and repeat often.

Method #2:  Topical Treatment

After mixing your oils, dilute 3 to 5 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil or, my favorite, DIY Simple Salve.  If using a liquid carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, you can add the oils to a roller ball. Massage this blend around the neck then up and around the ears.  Massage an additional amount over the cheekbone, nose, and forehead. Avoid the eye area and remember with essential oils, less is always more!

If using a liquid carrier oil such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, you can add the oils to a roller ball. Massage this blend around the neck then up and around the ears.  Massage an additional amount over the cheekbone, nose, and forehead. Avoid the eye area and remember with essential oils, less is always more!

Are you  having trouble figuring out the roller ball dilution?  One teaspoon equals 5ML and most roller ball bottles are 10ML (I like these).  In a 10ML roller ball, use 6 to 10 drops of the blend.

Method #3:  Diffuser

In many respects, this is one of my favorite ways to use this blend.  Add 4 to 6 drops of the blend to a diffuser.  Not only will the air smell good, but the healing benefits of the oils will be available to everyone in the room.  This is especially effective at night since it helps keep the air passages clear, resulting in restful sleep.

The Giveaway

Spark Naturals has a fantastic year-end sale going on.  All essential oils, blends, and kits are on sale at 30% off using my coupon code BACKDOORSURVIVAL.  Not only that, diffusers are 20% off.  I hope you will take advantage of the sale to pick up some rosemary, geranium, and eucalyptus BUT you can also enter the giveaway win them for free.

This is my last giveaway of 2016 and I am going to make it easy.  Free entries for everyone and bonus entries for subscribers.  Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The deadline is 6:00 PM MST next Tuesday with the winner notified by email and announced on the Rafflecopter in the article.  Please note that the winner must claim their prize within 48 hours or an alternate will be selected.

Note:  Due to Customs requirements, this giveaway is only open to those with a mailing address in the United States.

The Final Word

I am committed to using natural remedies for all non-life-threatening health concerns and especially for all of the seasonal annoyances that prevent us from living life to the fullest.

In spite of what the mainstream media is telling us, these are still uncertain times and no one knows for sure whether the convenience of a medical clinic, pharmacy, or drug store will be there for us in the future.  It simply makes sense to learn to use natural remedies when we can.  Once you do, there will be no looking back!

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

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 Below you will find the items related to today’s article.

Spark Naturals Essential Oils:  You already know that Spark Naturals I my favorite EO company.  The oils are of the highest quality, well priced, and always fresh.  I have never had a Spark Naturals Oil that was “off” or smelled like turpentine.  Here is what you need for the Sinus Blend.  Total cost?  Less than $20 before discounts.  Be sure to use coupon code BACKDOORSURVIVAL to get the extra discount.

Rosemary Essential Oil
Geranium Essential Oil
Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Aromatherapy Glass Roll On Bottles, Frost Cobalt Blue-Set of 6: You are going to want some of these for your oils.  I put essential oils (singly or in combination) in a roller ball with a bit of fractionated coconut oil and use it to apply e.o.s topically.   Note that I prefer the cobalt blue rollerball containers but they are also available in clear.  These complement the custom salves I mix up and store in these 1/2 ounce ointment jars.

Seneo Essential Oil Diffuser:  This is a bargain-priced diffuser that works great.  I leave this at Shelly’s bedside and run it nightly using the Sinus Blend.   I paid double that a year ago.  This is a good starter unit if you are just getting started using a diffuser.

Glass Droppers, Pack of 6: I bought a package of these and loved them.  When I went to re-order, I accidentally ordered plastic instead of glass droppers.  Learn from my mistake.  The price is the same so get the glass ones.

BDS Gift Guide Complete Book of Essential Oils

The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy, Revised and Expanded:  This is a newly updated version of Valerie Worwood’s classic and when I say new, I mean it is hot off the presses.  When my copy arrived in early November, I stayed up until the wee hours reading, learning, and enjoying the insights from the seasoned aromatherapist.  The original has been my EO bible for years, and now it is even better.

Coconut (Fractionated) Carrier Oil:  Once you start using coconut oil, you will be hooked.  This is the liquid form of Coconut Oil, also referred to as FCO.  I have been very satisfied with this brand as well as the FCO from Spark Naturals.


20% Off Discount Code:  BACKDOORSURVIVAL
This is the sale you have been waiting for!Spark Naturals Anniversary Sale | Backdoor Survival


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17 Responses to “How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Sinus Congestion”

  1. OK, not sure how I ended here (was on some ham radio website I think), but I got here and I’ve started using your sinus recipe [Rosemary/Geranium/Eucalyptus]. Have never messed with Essential Oils before. To be honest the “aromatherapy” thing sounds a little “out there”, but OK — willing to give it a chance.. Have a good day.

  2. I’m so anxious to give this blend a try. The husband has been complaining about his sinuses acting up. Have you had any success with this blend? Thanks for sharing!

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