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Top 12 Essential Oils Used for Anxiety and Stress

Avatar for Jodie Weston Jodie Weston  |  Updated: May 24, 2021
Top 12 Essential Oils Used for Anxiety and Stress

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What are essential oils anyway?

They are simply natural aromatic compounds that have been extracted from bark, seeds, stems, roots, resins and flowers (aerial parts) of plants. We’ve all experienced the benefits of aromatic plants in some way.

Have you ever walked by a field of lavender, through a rose garden, a nursery greenhouse of Easter lilies? I remember walking through a pine forest in the mountains and experiencing the feelings of total serenity, just from being surrounded by the scent of pine. Even slicing through an orange or lemon can bring an uptick in mood.


So essential oils are these natural extracted compounds stored in a little bottle, not unlike a genie waiting to be released for our benefit. But we need to know how to use them to experience maximum help. We also need to know what a particular oil may do for us.

Even though essential oils have been used in many cultures throughout history for their culinary, medicinal and therapeutic goodness it is only recently that they have come to the fuller attention of the modern western world.

I think, in large part, the reason is twofold:

  1. First, because of the current trends towards a more holistic approach to health and,
  2. Second, because of the growing scientific validation of alternative health practices, especially with essential oils which can produce profound benefits.

The FDA requires the following sentence when writing/talking about oils, vitamins or many natural products: (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)

Use only 100% pure essential oils that have been third party tested and that have no fillers or added ingredients! There are several companies that meet these high standards. I’ve never seen an essential oil that is sold at a big box store or even a pharmacy that meets those standards. Before you purchase any essential oil do your own personal research.

Many EO companies dilute their oils or use improper distillation practices. Therefore, look for words on the essential oil bottles like “100% Steam Distilled” or Therapeutic Grade”, or “Certified Pure” etc. Research, research, research!

The best companies have a lot of research information online at their site or they have a book that documents research and purity, plus the purposes of the oil and suggestions for use. Do not take this warning lightly. Do your research!

For your research and study I would suggest getting a thorough reference guide book. One I would suggest is, Modern Essentials: The Complete Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils 9th Edition. It is well organized, extensive, filled with excellent photos, and is easy to understand. It contains additional scientific research of each oil. It doesn’t push a particular brand of oil.

Now let’s move on to those 12 oils. (There are actually more of them so if I didn’t include your favorite please forgive me!) Leave a comment and share your top picks with everyone.

Top 12 Essential Oils for Anxiety and Stress

1. Lavender: Lavandula angustiflolia (Main Chemical Components: Linalool, linalyl acetate)

Lavender is one of the most popular essential oils on the market. Its health and beauty benefits are truly versatile. It is used in cooking, perfume making, it has calming aromatic properties, promotes sleep just to name a few.

Essential oils that are high in Linalool, including Lavender, are known for their ability to reduce sad and anxious feelings. Lavender essential oil can help reduce negative feelings and promote restful sleep.


As an essential oil with chemical components known for its calming properties, Lavender can also be used to help ease feelings of tension. (These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.)

It takes 35 pounds of Lavender flowers to produce just one 15mL bottle of Lavender essential oil.


In studies, patients waiting for dental treatment were found to be less anxious and have a better mood when exposed to the odor of lavender or orange oil. Another study found that nurses working in hospital Intensive Care Units demonstrated decreased perception of stress when receiving a topical application of lavender essential oil.

How to Use:

  • Applying it to back of the neck and to the temples helps to reduce muscle tension.
  • Inhaling lavender promotes relaxation.
  • Diffusing it on your bedside table fosters a helps restful night’s sleep or anytime that stress is high.
  • Soothes skin irritations
  • Calms a sunburn
  • Apply to the bottom of the feet of small children to calm them, no dilution or carrier oil is needed with lavender essential oil.
  • Can be applied to reflex points on the bottom of feet or the palms or ear
  • Can be applied directly to area of concern.
  • Lavender oil is Generally Recognized as Safe for human consumption(GRAS) by the FDA
  • Dilute one drop of oil in 1 tsp of honey or in ½ cup of milk. Not for children under 6 yrs. Old and use with caution in children over 6 years old and in greater dilution.

Although there are many more uses of lavender essential oil, we are basically only covering anxiety and stress here.

2. Petitgrain (Citrus aurantium) (Linalyl acetate, linalool, alpha-terpineol)

Petitgrain has a woody, earthy scent. Some people dislike the aroma but personally I like it because it isn’t too sweet. Of course it can be blended with other essential oils like bergamot, lavender, orange, clary sage, jasmine, clove, rosemary or geranium. Blending with other essential oils disguises the woodsy aroma of petitgrain if you don’t especially enjoy woodsy. I have heard it called “the man’s lavender”.

I know the following story I’m going to share with you is antidotal and not at all scientific” in nature, but I felt to share it anyway.

A very good friend of mine shared with me the story me of her husband’s experience with petitgrain: He is an avid gardener and is happiest when he can be outside working in the soil. She said, “One day he came inside for lunch and told me that he felt “blue”. That was unusual, especially since the day was beautiful and he was doing his favorite activity.

bitter orange citrus aurantium
Image Source

He had had bouts of depression in the past but not in the past eight or nine years. He was off of all medications. He ate his lunch then told me he wanted to take a nap in his chair. When he woke up 3 hours later, he called for me and said he just couldn’t get out of his chair and he looked as if he was about to cry.

I asked if he had any pain and he said he didn’t. I checked his pulse and sat talking with him for a few minutes when he told me that he felt like that old “dark cloud” was there again.” I had just bought a bottle of Petitgrain essential oil to add to our home medicine chest. I’d read about it and thought it might help him so I ask if he’d be willing to try it. He agreed.

I opened the bottle and gave it to him. He sniffed the aroma right from the bottle several times. After a while, I could actually see the light come back into his eyes. After a few more whiffs he got up, drank a glass of water and went back to his garden work. I have never seen anything like it.”

While she was sharing this extraordinary story with me, (the incident had happened about two months before) her husband, who had heard us from the living room came in and said, “Donna, I’ve never experienced anything like that before, now we diffuse petitgrain every day, if I am sitting around I often take a whiff directly from the bottle and I take a drop of it in a veggie cap every day and that sadness has not come back!

I share this with you now because of the powerful impact petitgrain has had on this friend. I do not know what effect it may have on others. It may be that one of the other oils will be more helpful for someone else. Our chemical differences cause individuals to respond to various oils and herbs and drugs differently.

What it Does:

  • Petitgrain is uplifting and refreshing and helps to refresh the senses and clear confusion.
  • Reduces mental fatigue and depression as is characteristic of many plants in the citrus family.
  • It may also help stimulate the mind, support the memory and cheer the heart.
  • It is Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration.
  • May help support healthy cardiovascular function
  • May provide antioxidant support
  • May support healthy immune function
  • May help promote a restful sleep
  • Uplifting and reduces feeling of stress


Extracts from Citrus Aurantium leaf were found to have sedating properties in animal models.

How to Use:

  • Can be applied to your body “neat”, meaning without being diluted with a carrier oil. It may cause a slight skin irritation in a small percentage of the population when applied directly onto the skin. If this happens just blend with a few drops of carrier oil….. (Sweet almond oil, coconut, jojoba or another oil you might prefer.
  • Diffuse for a calming and relaxing aroma. Blends well with other Citrus oils, Cassia, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Geranium, and Lemongrass.
  • Take internally to help ease feelings of tension, help calm the nervous system, and promote restful sleep. (one drop in a veggie capsule only)
  • Before going to bed, you can add a few drops of Petitgrain along with Lavender or Bergamot to pillows and bedding for its aromatic benefits.
  • Instead of putting the drops directly on my bedding I like to use a cotton ball near my pillow that has a few drops of essential oil on it.
  • Add one drop to water or juice and drink to help support the health of the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, and digestive systems.

3. Wild Orange (Citrus sinensis)

Orange essential oil always makes me smile and it brings back good memories from my childhood. If you already use oils, there are probably several that bring back pleasant feelings to you. Perhaps a flower or ocean breeze may elicit memories, either pleasant or sad ones.


One reason this might be has to do with the way your brain processes odors and memories. Smells get routed through your olfactory bulb, which is the smell-analyzing region in the brain. It’s closely connected to the amygdala and hippocampus which are brain regions that handle memory and emotion.

What it Does:

  • Orange, sometimes called sweet orange or wild orange is versatile and is widely used for its calming abilities.
  • It can calm nervous tension.
  • Lifts feelings of depression (*See story below)
  • It promotes a restful sleep if you have insomnia
  • Calms heart palpitations associated with nervousness
  • Helps to decrease fear
  • Helps bring emotional balance
  • A few other benefits are: helps lower cholesterol levels, aids in sluggish digestion and is antiseptic
  • Orange‘s aroma is uplifting, energizing, immune boosting and gives relief from anxiety.
  • This has a detoxifying and cleansing effect throughout the entire body


In testing the effects of wild orange, it was found that healthy male subjects displayed reduced anxiety after five minutes of inhalation of orange essential oil compared to the inhalation of melaleuca (tea tree oil) essential oil or distilled water when submitted to an anxiety inducing situation. (Goes et al 2012)

How to Use:

  • Using this in my kitchen diffuser heightens the mood of everyone in the room it seems.
  • Diffuse at night for a restful night’s sleep. This can be helpful for children as well.
  • It’s fun to put a few drops of Wild Orange on woolen dryer balls so when your laundry is dry the clothes are uplifting to fold. The scent on the clothes sadly doesn’t last very long but it sure takes the drudgery out of folding and putting the clothes away. Using lavender is nice too.
  • Use as a bath oil: Blend a few drops of orange into a few tablespoons of milk or carrier oil and stir it into a warm bath. So uplifting and soothing and it tones the skin!
  • As a message oil over the stomach to help relieve nausea and indigestion.

4. Copaiba (Copaifera Officinalis)

copaiba tree
Copaiba Tree Image Source

What it Does:

  • Helps calm and soothe the nervous system
  • Supports emotional balance.


In the elevated plus maze, copaiba oil was found to demonstrate anti-anxiety (anxiolytic) effects on rats, comparable to the antianxiety drug diazepam (curio et al, 2009)

How to Use:

  • Diffuse or inhale the copaiba aroma directly from the bottle, taking a few deep breaths.
  • Diffuse at night while sleeping or in the room where you spend an extended time.
  • Apply to the bottom of feet. No dilution with carrier oil needed, but you can place 20 drops in a 10 ml roller ball container and fill up the rest of the way with a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba, or carrier oil of your choice. Apply to reflex points on hands, ear or feet. See reflex point charts in Modern Essentials book or look them up online.

5. Lemon ( Citrus limon )

Lemon essential oil is one of the top overall oils because of its wide range of uses. If I was just beginning to use oils this may be the first one I would buy. Of course, in this article I am only covering these top 12 oils as they relate to emotional and nervine issues, but I‘d like to include some of the other uses here for the versatile lemon!


Take a deep breath: anxiety, air pollution, water purification, heartburn, sluggish digestion, blood pressure regulation, bee stings and bug bites, concentration, MRSA, relaxation, furniture polish, uplifting, throat infections, flavoring, gum removal (it even works on that sticky glue that is left after removing labels) antidepressant, kidney stones, common cold, flu postpartum depression, fever, dry throat, antiseptic, antiviral, soothing grief and sorrow, antioxidant, detoxifying, boosts circulation, aids lymphatic cleansing (Modern Essentials 9th edition) and the list goes on.

What it Does:

  • Soothes anxiety
  • Helps to lift depression
  • Mental focus
  • Lifts mood
  • Aids in detoxification of liver
  • Aids lymphatic cleansing
  • Can decrease pain


  1. Lemon oil and its component citral were found to decrease depressed behavior in rats involved in several stress tests in a manner similar to antidepressant drugs.
  2. Rats exposed long-term to lemon essential oil were found to demonstrate different anxiety and pain threshold levels than untreated rats. It was also found that exposure to lemon oil induced chemical changes in the neuronal involved in anxiety and pain.   ( Ceccarelli et al 2004 )

How to Use:

  • Topically lemon oil can be applied “neat” meaning it needs not be diluted with carrier oil when applied to the skin.
  • In can be diffused into the air or inhaled directly from the bottle.
  • Used as a flavoring in cooking.
  • Place 1 – 2 drops under tongue and allow to absorb
  • Drink 1-2 drops in a glass of juice or water.

Safety Issues:

  • Avoid direct sunlight for 12 hours after using citrus oils
  • General Recognized as Safe by the FDA (GRAS)

6. Vetiver: Vetiveria zizanioides

In harvesting Vetiver, the top part (grass) needs to be cut off first before digging. Then the rest of the plant must be dug out and the root system separated because the oil that is harvested is located within the rootlets and root. It has been used in India for millennia.

vetiver grass
Image Source

What it Does:

  • Has a profound grounding, anchoring effect
  • Decreases panic and phobia
  • Calming effect
  • Gives balance to mind and body
  • Helps with ADD and ADHD
  • Helps to decrease anxiety
  • Helps in recovery of emotional trauma
  • Stress relieving
  • Natural tranquilizer
  • May help promote a restful sleep
  • Helps feeling of being emotionally overwhelmed
  • Immune stimulant

How to Use:

  • Diffuse into the air to help promote a calming. Grounding atmosphere. Good to use at home or in the workplace where appropriate.
  • Can use in a vaporizer or oil burner device.
  • Inhale directly from oil bottle.
  • Can be applies “neat” when used topically to reflex points on feet, hands or directly on areas of concern. A small amount is all that is needed for this oil.
  • Take a relaxing bath soak by mixing 4-5 drops of oil into a bit of milk or carrier oil and mixing it into the bathtub.
  • Foot soak, works just as well as a bath soak since the bottoms of the feet have large pores where the oil and its health properties can be absorbed. Soak for at least 15 minutes. Listen to some restful, soft music as you soak.

Safety Issues:

  • Use with caution during pregnancy
  • Not for children under six years of age
  • Use with caution and in a greater dilution in children over six years of age.
  • Is approved by the FDA as a food additive and flavoring agent.

7. Ylang Ylang (pronounced E-LANG E-LANG) means ‘Flower of Flowers’

This fragrant flower is beautiful and delicate. The aroma is sweet but not cloying. I sometimes wear it as a perfume because, unlike regular perfumes, the natural odor does not usually affect people with allergies or respiratory conditions.

ylang ylang flowers
Image Source

What it Does:

  • Decreases fear.
  • Promotes a calming effect.
  • It acts as a sedative
  • Lowers stress levels
  • May decrease frustration
  • Emotional balance
  • May lower blood pressure


  • In human trials, ylang ylang aroma was found to increase calmness (Moss et al 2006)
  • Blood pressure. Inhaled ylang ylang oil was found to decrease blood pressure and pulse rate and to enhance attentiveness and alertness in volunteers as compared to an odorless control. (Hongrataneaworakit et al 2004)

How to Use:

  • Helps with colicky children when applied to bottom of feet. One drop for each little foot. I usually add a drop of carrier oil 1:1 ratio to oil. That makes application easier and provides a more evenly distributed oil.
  • Can be applied directly to area of concern, on wrists, feet, palms of hands or reflex points
  • Diffuse or inhale the aroma directly
  • Can be applied directly without dilution when used topically.
  • Is calming and relaxing and may help reduce feelings of anger.
  • Dilute one drop of oil in one teaspoon of honey or in 4 oz. of almond or rice milk (or juice)

Safety Issues:

  • Ylang Ylang oil is Generally Recognized as Safe for human consumption (GRAS) by the FDA.
  • Not for children under 6 years old
  • Use with caution in children over 6 years old

8. Melissa (Lemon Balm)

Instead of the usual format that I’ve used so far I am approaching Lemon Balm differently. My feeling is that as an essential oil it is way too expensive, like over the top pricey. There are other oils that can help with anxiety and stress that don’t have that cosmic price tag. That alone would give me stress.

Lemon Balm is easy to grow. It’s in the mint family so it spreads quickly. It’s quite easy to distinguish the mint family because of their square stems. It can be grown in pots on your back deck or on an apartment balcony. If you know of a friend who is willing to share from their lemon balm patch then here is how you plant it.

lemon balm
Image Source

Most mints, lemon balm included, will tolerate some shade, and the variegated types may require some protection from direct sun. For growing outdoors, plant one or two purchased plants (or one or two cuttings from a friend) about 2 feet apart in moist soil. One or two plants will easily cover the ground. Mint should grow to be 1 or 2 feet tall.

If foraging for mint look first near water sources such a small streams, near springs or in low lying areas. One of the nice things about mint, from your garden or foraged, is that you can harvest from the same plants throughout the summer because as you harvest the leaf stems from the base of the plant (about one inch from the ground) then more stems will grow and the plant will be hardy and continue to be full and robust for the entire growing season.

One or two plants indoors during the fall and winter months will supply all that most people need. Keep harvesting stems at the base of the plant so it doesn’t take over your whole area like Jack’s beanstalk!

lemon balm leaf

Eating lemon balm leaves raw or using them as a tea infusion can help calm an upset stomach, soothe indigestion or help decrease painful cramps. It also eases headaches including many migraines. A sedative action makes this useful in cases of panic.

It has been used to calm a racing heart as relating to anxiety and helps to lower blood pressure. Plants in the mint family are thought to increase bile secretions, which then increases bile flow which calms stomach or intestinal discomfort. Make the tea strong and sip on it on an empty stomach.

If you use mint you probably won’t need any over-the-counter or prescription drugs with all of their negative side effects. Only a cup of calming mint tea if you please! But as always, consult with your healthcare professional before easing off of any prescription medications or when using any herbal remedy.

lemon balm melissa leaf

It is usually prolific wherever it grows so you can harvest enough to dry and store in glass jars with an O2 packet tucked inside. Store in cool, dry, dark area and have a tummy tamer on hand to last your family until the next season.

We have a medium sized patch on our property that comes up volunteer every year. The lemon aroma is heavenly and when my children were small they would eat the leaves and sometimes take a fistful of them to rub vigorously on their arms and legs. They smelled like little lemon drops for several hours afterward.

9. Bergamot (Citrus bergamia)

Has uplifting properties. It may also help with depression and agitation.


An essence extracted from the aromatic skin of this sour fruit is used to flavor Earl Grey and Lady Grey teas, as well as the candy called Turkish delight. It’s in many orange marmalades and gives a slightly bitter flavor.

What it Does:

  • Decreases agitation and anxiety
  • Has a calming effect
  • Is neuroprotective
  • Sedative effect
  • Reduces performance stress
  • Decreases depression
  • Calms emotions
  • Addresses mental and physical stressors
  • Helps to decrease PMS
  • Helps with infections


  • A study of 114 subjects found that listening to soft music and/or inhaling citrus bergamot oil were effective methods of relaxation as indicated by a shift of the autonomic balance toward parasympathetic. Peng et al 2009.
  • Inhalation of bergamot essential oil produced similar anioxilytic results as acute injection of an antianxiety drug diazepam. (Valium is a brand name for the generic drug diazepam that belongs to a group of anti-anxiety medications known as benzodiazepines. Other members of this medication class include alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin), flurazepam (Dalmane), lorazepam (Ativan), and others.)

How to Use:

  • Can be used without dilution of carrier oil or “neat” for topical application. Apply to forehead, temple, reflex points and/or directly on area of concern.
  • Diffuse or inhale the aroma directly.
  • Use as a flavoring in food or beverages. Especially good in herbal tea to lend an orange bittersweet flavor.
  • Dilute one drop oil to 1 tsp of honey or put into 4 oz. of a beverage.

Safety Issues:

  • Repeated use as a skin application may develop contact sensitivity.
  • Avoid direct sunlight or ultraviolet light for up to 72 hours after use.
  • Bergamot is GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the FDA.
  • Not for children under six years old, use with caution in children over six years old and in greater dilution.
  • Always, always check with you doctor before stopping or decreasing any medication. Doing it on your own can be dangerous.

10. Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)

Even Peter Rabbit’s mother gave him chamomile tea after he was almost caught by Mr. McGregor the elderly farmer in Beatrix Potter’s famous children’s books.

bertram-root-medicinal-herbs-flowers-bloom chamomile

What it Does:

  • Helps calm irritability
  • Soothes nervousness
  • Calms allergic skin reactions
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Reduces tension headaches
  • Boosts energy and immunity
  • Decreases hyperactivity


A study with 56 percutaneous coronary intervention patients in an intensive care unit found that and aroma therapy blend of lavender, Roman chamomile and neroli decreased anxiety and improved sleep quality when compared to traditional nursing intervention. (Cho et al 2013)

How to Use:

  • Can be applied “neat” or dilute 1:1 (1 drop carrier oil to 1 drop essential oil) for children and for those with sensitive skin when using topically.
  • Diffuse or inhale the aroma directly.
  • Take 1 drop in a veggie capsule

Safety Issues:

  • Can irritate some sensitive skin.
  • GRAS by FDA

11. Frankincense Resin

King of Oils The therapeutic uses for Frankincense oil are probably the most broad spectrum and diverse of any of the essential oil. But here I’ll basically just cover the properties dealing with anxiety and depression.

Both frankincense and myrrh are resins – hardened sap from trees. In both cases, trees are slashed and allowed to “bleed.” The sap that comes from the trees hardens and forms beads or “tears.” These trees grow in Oman, Yemen and the Horn of Africa, including Somalia and Ethiopia. Frankincense has antidepressant and sedating properties.


I recently saw a documentary film about the Frankincense trail telling that travelers have made so many trips over the trail that it can be seen from circling spacecraft far above the earth. There are 52 references to frankincense in the Bible. It is often used as a memory enhancer, to increase the ability to focus, reduces mental fatigue and boost concentration. 

What it Does:

  • Helps relieve chronic stress and anxiety
  • Decreases restlessness
  • Reduce pain and inflammation
  • Boosts immunity
  • Calming
  • Lifts the spirit
  • Increases energy and focus
  • Helps reduce pain and increase movement in arthritic patients
  • Helps lift depression
  • Can improve memory
  • Decreases mental fatigue
  • Lessens headaches, including migraines
  • Increases focus of energy
  • Increases brain function
  • Supports healthy lung function
  • Eases hyperactivity
  • Decreases impatience and irritability


Incensole acetate (found in frankincense ) was found to open TRPV receptors in mice brain, a possible channel for emotional regulation (Moussaieff et al, 2008)

How to Use:

  • Can be applied directly to the skin on the area of concern or on reflex points like the bottom of the feet or palms of hands. For headache it can be applied to the temples and back of the neck.
  • Inhaled directly from bottle or diffused into the air. I usually diffuse oils at night while sleeping and occasionally during the day. Diffuse in your workplace if that works for everyone. I have even heard of teachers diffusing calming oils in the classroom.
  • Frankincense can be taken internally. One drop in an empty gel cap or one drop under the tongue. The taste is somewhat bitter.

Safety Issues:

  • Approved by the FDA for use as a food additive and flavoring.

12. Neroli (Bitter Orange Blossom) (Citrus Aurantium)

Bitter orange Citrus_aurantium neroli
Image Source

What it Does:

  • Helps relieve chronic depression
  • Elevates mood
  • Helps to lower blood pressure
  • Increases emotional balance
  • Relaxing
  • Decreases stress
  • Decreases anxiety
  • Decreases fear

How to Use:

  • Can be applied “neat” to area of concern and reflex points when used topically
  • Diffuse, or inhale the aroma directly from bottle
  • Can be used in aroma therapy
  • Gently massage to temples or back of the neck.

Safety Issues:

  • Check with physician before using this oil if you are pregnant or being treated for a medical condition.
  • GRAS by FDA

Final Thoughts

The reason I first tried essential oils about 2 ½ years ago was because I was looking for something that would help my husband to breathe more easily. While talking with a good friend she suggested one particular oil and then gave me a little sample. At this point my dear husband was willing to “try anything”. He tried breathing the aroma of that sample essential oil.

I’ll never forget the look on his face as he took that first deep breath, then said, with a surprised look, “Honey, it works!” As a result, he was able to cut back on the amount of prescription respiratory drugs he was taking by about one-third. His doctor is fully onboard because he has seen the good results.

Not every essential oil will work for every person. There is a certain amount of trial and error before finding which oils are best for your needs.

I like having an emergency medicine chest of oils on hand for a variety of circumstances where I don’t need to depend heavily on pharmacies especially for antibiotics, antivirals or antifungals that might become scarce in a catastrophic event. I carry, in a very small case, of the most versatile oils, whenever I leave my home.

essential oils

The mistake many new oil users make is not learning how oils work and what condition each addresses. It does take study and you need a good reference guide like the one I suggested. There is a lot to learn and I’m not yet an expert by a long shot.

Oils are part of our self-reliance plan. Since shortages can leave us medically vulnerable it just makes good sense to have a workable back up plan. Perhaps in another article we can cover what an emergency essential oil medical kit might contain. If you have an oil that has performed well for you please share it in the comments so we can all benefit.

Blessings, Donna

Disclaimer: These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

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4 Responses to “Top 12 Essential Oils Used for Anxiety and Stress”

  1. I’m not huge on the oils for this but my wife is. I am however a huge converted skeptic for remedies with it and the allergy bombs she makes are the only thing that really help me.

    • Hey MAO, My husband was the same way, skeptical……but after using a breathing oil only once he came to appreciate that oil and now he has experimented with others successfully as well. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. Good article. When it comes to EO’s I have noticed that appearances aren’t everything. Some of the biggest and best known specialist companies seem a bit iffy when you do a little digging. You mention looking for phrases like ‘Therapeutic grade’ but that would be a red light to me. There is no independent governing body for essential oils, therefore there is no certified therapeutic grade. If a company is claiming that, it’s pure marketing spin, and they are trying to mislead their customers. I can think of some big companies who make those claims & use them as justification for their sky high prices. The reality is that those sky high prices exist to pay off the multiple levels of commission that exist in MLM companies.

    Would you say that a company being listed by a national association of aromatherapists would be a good indicator of quality?

    Are MSDS (material safety data sheets) an adequate mark of quality?

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