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The Perfect Homemade Biscuit Mix from Food Storage

Avatar for Gaye Levy Gaye Levy  |  Updated: November 24, 2020
The Perfect Homemade Biscuit Mix from Food Storage

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For many, the backbone of food storage is bulk foods not the least of which is flour.  But in a crisis situation, what the heck can you do with all of that flour?  The answer, of course, is to make bread and baked goods.  But bread takes time and viable yeast may or may not be available.  The next best thing? Biscuits and pancakes! utah ready mix gaye reading1

Today I would like to share with you a fabulous DIY biscuit mix.  It comes from the Utah State University Extension Service and not only is it easy to make, but the resulting biscuits and pancakes are to die for.  (There is also a fabulous coffee cake but that is another topic entirely).

The official name for this recipe is Utah Ready-Quick Mix. Utah Ready Quick Mix Cover

Why Make Your Own Biscuit and Pancake Mix?

One of the main reasons has to do with knowing what goes inside the mix.  A purchased mix is going to have mystery ingredients including flavor additives and chemical preservatives.

With your own DIY mix, you can whip up a six week supply as you need it, using ingredients from your food storage. Homemade biscuit mix is versatile!  Like the ubiquitous Bisquick, your DIY biscuit mix can be used for dozens of recipes, not just pancakes. Biscuits, muffins, desserts, and main dishes such as quiche-like pies are are possible.

Making your own biscuit and pancake mix is also going to save you time and money plus, as I mentioned at the onset, you should have everything you need on hand and ready to go in your pantry.  Forget about taking a trip to the grocery store – that is if grocery stores are even open.

The Master Recipe -Utah Ready-Quick Mix

Enough buildup; I think you get it.  Here is the main recipe which is also available as a free download.


9 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup double-acting baking powder
4 tsp. salt
1 3/4 cups shortening—which does not require refrigeration (or coconut oil)
1 3/4 cups non-fat dry milk (use instant)


Stir baking powder, non-fat dry milk, and salt into the flour.

Cut fat into flour mixture until all particles of shortening are thoroughly coated and the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal. This can be done with a food processor, blender, electric mixer, pastry cutter, whisk, or fork. (I used my handheld electric mixer because I was lazy but in a grid down, a pastry cutter or fork would work just fine.)

utah ready mix looks like cornmeal

Store your Ready-Quick Mix in a tightly covered container, at room temperature for up to six weeks. You can also store it in the refrigerator or freezer but my guess it won’t last long enough to worry about long term storage.

Basic Pancakes

1 cup Ready-Quick
1/2 cup water (or to taste if you like thinner pancakes)
1/2 egg or 1 yolk (or 1 tbl powdered egg plus 1 tbl water)
1/2 tsp. Sugar

Add sugar to the Ready-Quik Mix.  There is no need to sift.

Add the egg (or egg powder) plus the water and stir about 25 times.  It will be a bit lumpy which is normal and no big deal.

Heat your skillet (cast iron, or course) until drops of water dance.  Pour in your batter.  Turn when bubbles appear on the surface – be patient, this is important.

utah ready mix pancakes

The downloadable recipe booklet has many more recipes and ideas.  I tried the coffee cake and must shamelessly admit, the two of us ate the entire thing in one sitting.

The Taste Test

By now you all know that Shelly (the Survival Husband) is my official tester.  What did he think.  First bite: “these are good”.  And after that?  “Gaye, these are really really good!” utah ready mix shelly likes it

A Word About the Utah Extension Service

The recipe, as printed, specifies non-fat powdered milk. As an accountant, that was not precise enough for me.  A call to was in order – a job I delegated to the Survival Husband.  Here is how the call went:

I called the Utah State University at the number shown in the booklet.  When they answered, I told the operator that I needed clarification of a recipe in their Utah Ready Quick Mix book.  I also indicated that I did not have a clue as to whom I should talk to. I was put on hold for about one minute then was told that the type of milk to use was “instant non-fat milk.”  The answer was not only quick, but extremely polite and helpful.  I was impressed.

Now I don’t know about you, but I think these Utah Extensive Service folks really have their act together

The Final Word

When it comes to food preparedness, sometimes the simplest of things are the best.

As with your rice and your beans, learning to cook with your basic bulk foods items will pay dividends if the time comes that you must rely on food storage to eat. In the meantime, consider saving time and money by making up a batch of DIY biscuit and pancake mix now.  You can even store pre-measured jars or zip bags of meal-sized portions for added convenience.  With powdered ingredients, it’s a cinch.

Now I don’t know about you, but all of this talk of pancakes and biscuits is making me hungry.  I think I will go make another coffee cake!

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation! Gaye

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Spotlight Item:  Click HERE to download the free Utah Quick Mix booklet for using shortening and click HERE for the free Utah Quick Mix booklet for using canola oil.  The choice is yours.

Bargain Bin: For your discernment, here are some of the items from the Amazon Top 10 plus a link to some whole egg powder – in case you don’t have any.

Whole Egg Powder: I have been using whole egg powder in cooking for about a year.  I suggest you give it a try.  Just remember that when making a one to one substitution with fresh eggs, add some additional water as compensation.  With most brands, 1 1/2 tablespoon of egg powder is equal to one egg so I always add and equal about of extra water as well.

Lodge Logic Cast Iron Pre-Seasoned Drop Biscuit Pan: This is the pan I recently purchased for making biscuits and to me it was worth the cost.  If you don’t mind seasoning your own (it’s easy), you can save some money with this one Texsport Cast Iron Biscuit Pan.

Lodge Pre-Seasoned Round Griddle:  This cast iron griddle is next up on my wish list.  Wouldn’t it work great for pancakes?

Phoenix Island:  The author of that little one cent book on DIY Sourdough Starter that I like so much lives nearby. He has recently re-published a classic survival story set in my own area, the San Juan Islands of Washington State. This is a wonderful piece of survival fiction – and only 99 cents. Update:  Currently only 1 cent!

How to Sew a Button and Other Nifty Things Your Grandmother Knew:  You are going to love this book.  It is charming and and timely and filled with good-natured humor and the loving spirits of grandmothers everywhere.

How to Build a Fire: And Other Handy Things Your Grandfather Knew:   From the same author and on my shelf, waiting to be read.  The book offers a glimpse into the hearts and minds of grandfathers near and far by sharing their practical skills and sweet stories on how to be stronger, smarter, richer, and happier.

Shop the Emergency Essentials Monthly Specials

The monthly specials at Emergency Essentials feature discounts of up to 35% off sometimes a bit more.

This month, the Tote-able Toilet with 2 Enzyme Packets is on sale for $14.95.  I priced purchasing the bucket and toilet seat lid separately and found that it was more economical to pick up this kit.  I am planning to fill the bucket with other sanitation supplies plus, of course, plenty of TP.

Emergency Essentials Potty       Mobile Washer

Also on sale this month is the Mobile Washer.

This is hand operated washing machine. Like a plunger, it uses a technique of pushing and pulling the water through clothes to clean them well without wearing them out. It uses a minimum of water and less soap due to the agitation motion. Use in a bucket (5-gallon suggested), sink or tub. The best part is that it is on sale this month for $12.95

These are just two of the items on sale this month at Emergency Essentials.  Click on the link below for more great deals from Emergency Essentials.

Shop the Emergency Essentials Monthly Specials

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23 Responses to “The Perfect Homemade Biscuit Mix from Food Storage”

  1. RE Using dry shortening powder in biscuit recipe..

    Can we use shortening powder??? If to use please

    Gaye Levy says:
    October 25, 2013 at 12:25 pm

    I have not tried it but will post an update when I do. (I just purchased a large can of shortening powder.)

    • Sallie – I have the can of shortening powder sitting in my pantry. Thanks for the reminder that I need to give this a try. I get distracted sometimes and forget to do things 🙂

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