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BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son

Avatar for Gaye Levy Gaye Levy  |  Updated: November 24, 2020
BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son

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The current Backdoor Survival Book Festival ends today with one of the most unique books yet.  Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son is a remarkable book on gun safety for kids.  That’s right, an illustrated book on gun safety designed for the young people in our lives.  Trust me, this is a good one!

As always, the author, Kermit Jones, is here to answer some interview questions and also to offer up a copy of his book to one lucky reader.  But first, let me share a little bit about the book itself.

Gun safety is a huge issue not only for adults but for children as well.  The problem, as I see it, is that irresponsible gun use is plastered all over television and in video games.  If you think that kids don’t soak that up, then you are living on another planet!

Prepper Petes Gun of a Son - Backdoor Survival

In my view, gun safety can never be overemphasized. Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son: A Gun Safety Book for Kids will allow a parent or other adult to introduce the topic of gun safety in a manner that is family-friendly and dare I say it?  Interesting and fun.  The book promotes gun safety basics and emphasizes that weapons should not be feared but respected and handled carefully like any other tool. Heck, I know plenty of adults, myself included, that need that reinforcement.

Prepper Pete will allow adults to open up a gun safety conversation with children that is both fun and interesting.  I cannot over-recommend this book!

Enjoy the interview and be sure to check out the details of this week’s giveaway below.

An Interview with Kermit Jones, Jr., Author of Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Sun

An Intro from Kermit

Wow! Round three! And believe me that it’s truly an honor. BDS is one of my favorite sites for information and I appreciate the Book Festivals since they help me prioritize what I’m going to read!

Thanks for what you do (and thanks for having me back).

What’s your message in this book that’s different from the first two? What inspired you to write it?

Well, it really goes back to why I even started the Prepper Pete series. I was faced with the task of explaining the idea of “prepping” to my own kids, ages 5, 7, 9, and 11. “Prepper Pete Prepares” started down that road and “The Twelve Days of Prepper Christmas” was really a fun detour.

“Gun of a Son” brings the series back to the educational component, and one of my primary goals. And just like the first book, this one is the product of my own lessons and somewhat “newness” to the topic. While I’ve learned about firearms during my time in the military, I knew that I needed a more formal process for teaching my children. Yes, there is a lot of information out there, but I wanted something that I could teach them with in a relaxed setting, yet convey to time on the range.

The NRA’s Eddie Eagle is great, but you’ll never see Eddie with a gun. And beyond that, there aren’t really a lot of “this is how you do it” books for children. So we bit the bullet with Prepper Pete and ended up with “Gun of a Son.”

In all honesty, it’s also a detour from the original intent of the series, but I have to say that I’ve had a blast with it, my kids have learned a lot about safety, and I really think it’s going to take a life of its own.

Given your background, knowledge and experience, what do you feel are the three most important survival or prepping skills?

You know how I feel about only picking three! It’s really a much longer list, just prioritized. I think last time I mention some traditional skills like fire, shelter, and food. Since we’re on another round, I’ll switch it up and look at more non-traditional skills.

Top three for round are critical thinking, self-efficacy, and safety. Those might sound a bit fancy for some, but I think they really capture the gamut of skills we need to succeed from an attitude and approach perspective.

Give someone a problem and the tools to solve it and you may only be half-way to a solution if they can think critically and apply problem solving thought to the situation. I’m amazed at how often I see people taught what to do (or even what to think), but they aren’t taught why or how to arrive at said conclusion.

And that problem plagues our society from areas like church all the way through colleges and universities. Few pastors encourage tough questions about faith and its application to life. Few professors give good grades to independent thinking student who question what they opine to be right. Few parents talk to their kids and ask, “how would you approach a problem of x, y, or z?” For shame!

Self-efficacy may sound like a snobby word, but it simply means the belief in one’s own ability to confidently approach and complete something. It’s not just confidence… it includes ability and a “can do” attitude. That means taking steps to remain calm, assess a situation, apply critical thinking skills, and then implement a solution. So that one little word, self-efficacy, has a really big impact when we ingrain into our kids, and it sets them up for success in life, as well as prepping.

Safety is also a skill, in my opinion, because it is a mindset that can be taught and practice. In many prepping scenarios, medical help may not be available and a foolish, easily preventable mistake, could mean serious injury or even death. We take for granted things as simple as triple-anti-biotic ointment and even antibiotics for an infection. TEOTWAWKI won’t be as easily forgiving. In the meantime, safety also can save lives, especially when we deal with firearms.

What would you purchase if you only had $500 to spend on preparedness supplies?

Well, since our book today deals with guns and gun safety, I’d have to say a good firearm. There are endless debates on which one is the best, but $500 would buy a moderately price hunting rifle that could also be used for self-defense or defense of others in need. You could also score some ammunition to practice with.

As a Chaplain, I like to see the best in situations and people. As a man who feels responsible to protect and defend my loved ones, I have to take steps to ensure their safety. One only has to witness the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina or Sandy to easily see how quickly things can become when others are desperate.

All the preparedness supplies in the world will do you no good if someone else comes along and takes them by force. And believe me… your own morals or sense of right and wrong will not matter to someone desperate or criminal, and how will you explain to your loved ones when you could have prevented it by simply being better prepared.

To what extent does your family participate in your personal preparedness efforts?

I’m thankful that they are very supportive. I believe that prepping is not an event, however, but more of a lifestyle and attitude. My children enjoy shooting very much, some more than others. And that’s okay. My primary concern is that they understand firearm safety and the basic mechanics of using a firearms in a safe manner. To that end, we always enjoy going to the range and spending time together as a family.

What is your favorite survival or prepping book? (It can be fiction or non-fiction.)

You mean other than Prepper Pete?  I have to say that I’ve enjoyed immensely the series by James Wesley Rawles, which begins with Patriots: Surviving the Coming Collapse and its sequels. Patriots, itself, is often described as a non-fiction book neatly dressed up in fiction, and though the sequels are not as packed with information, they clearly have points to teach.

I actually read Patriots early in my “prepping career” and I have it on my list to revisit now that I have quite a bit more experience and a different lens from which to view it.

Do you have anything else that you would like to share with the readers on Backdoor Survival?

With regard to gun safety, I would definitely say that if the saying “knowledge is power,” then in the case of firearms, “knowledge is safety,” and safety is paramount. Knowledge and familiarity with guns for kids often helps avoid the “forbidden fruit” syndrome, which can create a safer environment. When they are an appropriate age, parents should work with their kids to familiarize them with firearms, and always stress the importance of gun safety.

I want to create a culture where we teach safety, not fear. “Gun of a Son” has focused on gun safety, and we’re working on “Gun of a Son, Too!” that will focus on gun information for parents who want the option, as well.

The Book Giveaway

A copy of Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son: A Gun Safety Book for Kids has been reserved for one lucky reader.  To enter the giveaway, you need to utilize the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The deadline is 6:00 PM Pacific next Tuesday with the winner notified by email and announced on the Rafflecopter in the article.  Please note that the winner must claim their book within 48 hours or an alternate will be selected.

The Final Word

I am not sure there is a lot more to be said about Son of a Gun and the entire Prepper Pete series.  To be honest, it surprises me that prepper-centric books for children are not more popular than they are.  That said, I personally refuse to ignore that segment of our population.

Kids Count.  And as adults, we need to do our best to protect them and to give them the tools they need to carry on our work. This is a book that you will want; I hope you will take a few minutes to enter the giveaway.

Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!

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In addition, SUBSCRIBE to email updates and receive a free, downloadable copy of my e-book The Emergency Food Buyer’s Guide.

Spotlight:  Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son: A Gun Safety Book for Kids

Prepper Pete works very hard to keep his family safe. When his son Charlie becomes old enough, they enroll in a gun safety class together.  Join our hero, his son, and their friends in this fabulously illustrated book as they explore many of the important aspects of gun safety.

Note:  If knowledge is power, then in the case of firearms, “knowledge is safety.”  Familiarity with guns for kids often helps avoid the “forbidden fruit” syndrome, which can create a safer environment. When they are an appropriate age, work with your kids to familiarize them with firearms, and always stress the importance of gun safety!

Plus: The Preppers Guide to Food Storage

No list of books would be complete without my own book, The Prepper’s Guide to Food Storage. The eBook print version is available.

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21 Responses to “BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son”

  1. The winner will be posted on the Rafflecopter once he or she has been selected and verified. The winner will also be sent an email. This usually does not happen until the Friday after the giveaway ends.

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