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Sitting around the dinner table, my guess is that at some point the conversation turned to the economy, natural disasters and the need to prepare. And, it is also my guess that there were a lot of roll-eyes as your companions thought “Oh boy, here we go again”.
Okay, perhaps I assume that you live and breath preparedness like I do but even if you don’t, I am certain that you have run in to people that are in what I like to call “Disaster Denial”. So what signs do these people display? (And no, I am not referring to the “I am blindingly stupid to reality” sign.)
Listed below are some common excuses for not preparing.
It is what it is. If my time is up, so be it.
The problem with this is that if there is a disaster of any type, there is a strong likelihood you will survive. And if you are going to survive, you might as well be safe with food, water, first aid and a way to defend yourself and your property.
Bottom line: Just because a disaster occurs does not mean it is time for your to “go”. You will likely live through it so why not live through it safely and with adequate supplies and gear to sustain and protect yourself.
Planning for a disaster will be a jinx and if I do it, it will happen.
Now this is silly, especially when it comes to natural disasters.
For the most part, hurricanes, earthquakes, winter storms and volcanic eruptions happen on their own schedule. There is nothing you can do to prevent them so why not be ready? Not only that but people who have prepared and who have taken steps to plan ahead often come through the experience feeling like it was not such a big disaster after all.
Bottom line: It is the people who fail to plan and prepare that are caught by surprise and are least able to cope when the inevitable disaster occurs.
I refuse to live in fear of the unknown.
The key here is to educate yourself so that you do no live in fear. Assess the risks in your area and for someone in your particular financial condition. There is a saying, be prepared not scared. That definitely applies.
Bottom line: Take steps to prepare for the specific disasters that may occur in your geographical area. Then do your best to educate your loved ones so that they too can live without fear.
I can not afford to prepare (or I am not rich like you).
With careful planning (and perhaps one less pizza a week) it is not difficult to take small steps toward building up your preps bit by bit, week by week. Some cans of food, some water purification tables, some pepper spray – not of these things are overly expensive, especially if acquired slowly over time. In addition, the pursuit of knowledge is free and simply knowing the risks is half the battle.
Bottom line: Gradually increase your back-up supplies over time and as you can afford them. Even if
all you do initially is prepare for a short-term power shortage (flashlights, batteries, glow sticks), you are still doing something. You will be surprised at how quickly the items in your survival closet build up.
The government will take care of me.
What rock have you been living under? Has the government taken care of the health care debacle in this country? Nope. Has the government restored a healthy economy and jobs to the populace? Nope. Has the government effectively and efficiently provided disaster relief in the past? Not really. As a matter of fact, I just read today that FEMA is seeking to recover more than $385 million it says was improperly paid to victims of hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. And that is the fault of the victims? Give me a break.
What you can count on is the government spending billions of dollars on wars that we have no business waging and of course, billions in taxpayer dollars on big company bailouts that insure that the top CEOs of this country have multi-million dollar compensation and bonus packages. This is the same government that will go after some poor taxpayer for what they perceive to be a $100 shortfall on their annual tax return.
Bottom line: Do not believe for a moment the government will be there to bail you out and provide relief in an emergency. Quite the contrary; expect to be on your own.
I am too old to start.
Taking care of your personal needs has no boundaries age-wise. Yes, you may be on a fixed income and you may be moving about a bit slower, but hopefully you still have the will to live and the will to survive. Whether you are in your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s or beyond, take the time to prepare a disaster communication plan with contact names, phone numbers, and a potential escape plan should an earthquake of other natural disaster occur. Enlist the help of your children or younger neighbors and share your concerns with them.
Bottom line: Preparing a communication plan does not cost a dime in dollars nor does it take any physical strength. All you need is time. Do not feel that you are too old. If you have made it this far, chances are you still have some great years left. You are never too old to begin to prepare for the unexpected.
My faith will carry me through.
Yeah, maybe. But I would rather go half way just in case the big guy is busy doing something else when a disaster or crisis hits. Your faith will not hydrate you with sufficient drinking water nor will your faith feed your starving body. Being spiritual and having faith is a good thing and will help you mentally to overcome a dire situation but it is your stored food and water that will sustain you.
Bottom line: Facing reality will go a long way in helping you deal with a disaster. Having the insight to know the risks and prepare for them will demonstrate to your family your willingness to provide and care for them. That coupled with your faith will be a powerful and unbeatable combination to get you through.
The Final Word
Procrastination is defined as the act of putting off, delaying or deferring an action to a later time. Alas, that time often never comes. And so I say: procrastination is not your friend and might quite possibly be your ultimate downfall. If you have friends or loved ones who scorn the preparedness lifestyle, please share this article with them. Encourage them to take make a plan, to build a kit and to get involved in insuring that their future will be safe.
Let us work together to stamp out disaster denial.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!
Survival is all about learning to fend for yourself. Growing your own food, cooking and building stuff are all essential. Here are some of the top sellers for 2011.
Lodge Logic 12-Inch Pre-Seasoned Skillet: Cast iron items were at the top of the list. My readers love cast iron and so do I. Also at the top were Lodge Set of 2 Pan Scrapers and the Lodge Max Temp Handle Mitt.
All New Square Foot Gardening: I put in a Square Foot Garden last year and was pleased with the results. It is not too early to start planning for spring planting.
Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day: The Discovery That Revolutionizes Home Baking: At an average cost of 50 cents a loaf, this bread is easy, delicious and inexpensive to make.
Healthy Bread in Five Minutes a Day: 100 New Recipes Featuring Whole Grains, Fruits, Vegetables, and Gluten-Free Ingredients: Ditto.
How to Live on Wheat: Everything you need to know about wheat.
Fiskars 7855 8-Inch Hatchet: The Fiskars products are easily sharpened and will last a lifetime. Oh, and while you are at it, you might also like the Fiskars Axe & Knife Sharpener .
Kaito Voyager KA500 Solar/Crank Emergency AM/FM/SW NOAA Weather Radio: A lot of different hand crank radios were sold but this was by far, the most popular.
MAGLITE XL50-S3016 LED Flashlight: I own a number of these. Small, sturdy, and easy to handle.
Sabre Compact Pepper Spray with Quick Release Key Ring: The portability of this pepper spray adds to its appeal since it can be easily carried on a key ring or in a handbag or backpack.
The Dukan Diet: 2 Steps to Lose the Weight, 2 Steps to Keep It Off Forever: Survival Husband lost over 10 pounds in two weeks on this diet.
The Prepper’s Pocket Guide: 101 Easy Things You Can Do to Ready Your Home for a Disaster: Written by Bernie Carr at the Apartment Prepper blog, this is highly readable guide to all things preparedness.
50 – 1 Gallon (10″x14″) Mylar Bags & 50 – 300cc Oxygen Absorbers: A staple for long term food storage.
Rothco 550lb. Type III Nylon Paracord: As far as I am concerned, paracord ranks up there with duct tape and zip ties. I wish I had know about this stuff years ago..
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17 Responses to “Disaster Denial”
This is so true, Gaye. I smirked and laughed when I read this on this article: “It is what it is. If my time is up, so be it.” I had a friend who always uses a derivative of that when we’re talking about being prepared for natural disasters. We all need to do whatever we have to do to survive and live. Our ancestors survived throughout the years because they were getting ready, they were always prepared and they knew how to face natural disasters. Knowledge comes in handy. Some people wanted to prep but they just kept on saying that they “couldn’t do it” or they “don’t know how to start”. Well, there are many great articles, books, tutorials that can arm them with knowledge, and help them to prep early. There’s nothing to be afraid of.
Preparing for a disaster should be a must for everybody IMO.
Individuals as well as small or large business should have a plan. You never know when will be your turn. So, if something happens you will be prepared. Thks for the article, I enjoyed it!
This got me thinking. I run a small business and it’s important for business owners to take precautions too! Here are some tips I follow:
– Purchase essential safety equipment: Standard items include fire extinguishers and smoke detectors, first-aid kits and defibrillators. However, businesses may also need industry-specific supplies for disaster safety. Employees must be able to easily access and use these tools.
– Back up essential business data: Identify records and documents necessary for core business functions and store them securely using data backup tools.
– Prepare evacuation routes and shelter: Make a plan for getting everyone from your facility to a safe location. Be sure to consider the needs of employees with disabilities and medical conditions.
Hope it helps! Thanks again.
well here it is December 2013 a nice ice storm has Blanketed my area, no schools, over no power,,Prepaired—yepper last week 18 roll TP on sale”got it”@ $ General, some snax, I have food I can eat cold. but yes–i’m prepaired incase the power goes out-Wood stove is going. trees and porch,Steps 1/2″ thick with ice—OH yes—cat litter on it so I wont fall Maybe-& I don’t have to go anywhere on the roads.safer stay the heck home.Let V.Dot do their job without you being in the way.
Gotta wonder what Mark Twain thinks now.
Great article Gaye, I’ve never really done much to be prepared for disaster, and at this point I would be pretty unprepared. I have been wanting to get educated and prepared so this article was the kick in the butt that I needed! Great blog and I’ll definitely keep it at the top of my list of resources. I’ve been talking with people lately to see how prepared they are and so far, I have only found one or two that have given it any though at all! I was one of them up until now … I think it comes from being complacent. Most people in the U.S think that the world will just continue on like it is today … I am personally not so sure of that. Thanks again and you’ll be seeing more of me in the comments!
@Dave – It is never too late to start your preps! BTW, I carry a Victorinix Swiss Army knife – the Climber II I think and the Kershaw OSO Sweet. Love that knife and the price is right 🙂