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Prepping with Powdered Milk: The Best Powdered Milk Options

Prepping with Powdered Milk: The Best Powdered Milk Options

Milk is a staple food in a lot of homes. During an SHTF scenario, however, your access to inexpensive and readily available liquid milk might quickly disappear. The supply chain…

Best Prepper Recipes Ideas: What to Do with Stockpiled Food

Best Prepper Recipes Ideas: What to Do with Stockpiled Food

What are you going to do with all that rice and beans and other prepper foods that you have put back? This is a question that I think is important…

Hearty and Affordable Meals to Feed your Family Through Food Scarcity and Economic Depression

Hearty and Affordable Meals to Feed your Family Through Food Scarcity and Economic Depression

Mom wasn’t a prepper but you could argue that she was focused on survival. Not from the standpoint of impending doom from a crumbling economy or some other threat. Mom…

Are You Pandemic Prepared? How to Prepare for Pandemic and Survive, Too

Are You Pandemic Prepared? How to Prepare for Pandemic and Survive, Too

It seems like every time we turn around there is some deadly disease in the news. In recent years, there has been Ebola and the Avian influence A (H7N9) virus….

8 Best Essential Oils for Disinfecting and Cleaning

8 Best Essential Oils for Disinfecting and Cleaning

Essential oils offer more than just a pleasant smell. You are probably used to using them for relaxing massages, but, did you know that they can be used as a…

Learn How to Shelter in Place

Learn How to Shelter in Place

Just a little of 10 years ago, a 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Seattle area. I was at work and SurvivalHusband was at our house in Bellevue. Right before the earthquake hit, my little dog ran up to him and jumped in his arms. Then it hit.
Following that event, I learned-up about post earthquake safety and of course, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about being prepared for an earthquake. One of the lessons I learned after the 2001 quake was that if you are safe, stay put. Your very best chance of survival is to remain in your home or your office or even the shopping mall if that is where you happen to be.

FEMA defines Shelter-in-Place as the process of staying where you are and taking shelter, rather than trying to evacuate. Here are some guidelines from FEMA’s Ready America website.

20 Items to Kick Start Your Long Term Food Storage Plan

20 Items to Kick Start Your Long Term Food Storage Plan

No matter how many times I write about food, there is always something new to consider or a new and different way to present the same old information in a more useful manner. With that in mind, today I would like to share a method for getting started with your food storage program in an easy, step by step, and cost effective manner.

To be truthful, my initial goal with this article was to respond to readers who were just getting started and wanted a shopping list of things to buy for their food storage pantry. I also wanted to compile a checklist that more experienced preppers could use to compare what they had to what they needed. My goal can pretty much be summed up by saying that I wanted to write about getting started with food storage the easy way. No frills, no fluff – just a common sense list of food items to get you started.

Haircuts and Home Hair Color During Quarantine

Haircuts and Home Hair Color During Quarantine

Although I have been at home for over two months, I have been trying to pay a lot of attention to what is going in the world and the attitude…

4 Reasons Why You Need A Pond

4 Reasons Why You Need A Pond

Everyone knows the vital importance of water, prepper or not. Many people have already started, without even knowing what prepping is, to make sure they have a quality source of…

How To Make Beer At Home During Quarantine

How To Make Beer At Home During Quarantine

When Matt and I were in college we made a lot of beer. This was back in the early 2000s when the craft brew industry was just starting to emerge…

Making Your Own Almond Protein Milk From Ingredients You Can Actually Find

Making Your Own Almond Protein Milk From Ingredients You Can Actually Find

One problem that a lot of people have had is finding milk and milk alternatives, especially if they are trying to stay out of stores and out of town. Matt…

Using Computers for Prepping Systems and Organization – part 2

Using Computers for Prepping Systems and Organization – part 2

Dear readers, as many of us know, computers changed the world making it what it is now. The usefulness and practical uses of modern (or not so modern) PCs is…

Bringing Production and Work Back Into The Urban and Rural Home

Bringing Production and Work Back Into The Urban and Rural Home

We live in a world where we outsource many things that used to be done in the home. After all, if people are working jobs away from home and commuting…

The Prepper’s Guide to Aquaponics: Urban and Soil-less Food for When SHTF

The Prepper’s Guide to Aquaponics: Urban and Soil-less Food for When SHTF

Aquaponics is the combination of two food growing methods to make a more sustainable and independent system that has many benefits for a prepper. Hydroponics, or growing plants without soil…

Tasty Survival Recipes With Rice and Beans

Tasty Survival Recipes With Rice and Beans

Alma De Cuba sat right on Walnut Street right next to Bistro Perrier which was one of the nicest restaurants I had ever eaten at as a young man. I…

Protein At Home: Rabbits, Quail, Chickens, Bean Sprouts, Mushrooms and Beyond

Protein At Home: Rabbits, Quail, Chickens, Bean Sprouts, Mushrooms and Beyond

There has been a lot in the news here lately about the food supply situation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many are very worried and I have to say that a…