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Food Supply

Best Bug Out Bag Foods

Best Bug Out Bag Foods

Deciding what type of food to go in your bug out bag is really important. The amount of calories you can carry in a bug out bag and stay mobile…

A Prepper’s Guide: The Best Way to Store Herbs

A Prepper’s Guide: The Best Way to Store Herbs

In addition to being healthful, herbs are a great way to add flavor to dishes, create a relaxing and invigorating tea, or use topically as medicinal remedies. But with a…

Ten Tips That Will Guarantee You Have Food if SHTF

Ten Tips That Will Guarantee You Have Food if SHTF

Some of the most popular web articles on emergency preparedness have to do with food. This is also a widely discussed topic in print and on forums. And it is no wonder. In today’s society eating is no longer just for sustenance. It is a social form, a source of family bonding and togetherness and for many, a hobby. And, with rising costs, it is a significant part of almost everyone’s household budget.

Today I would like to share ten tips for securing your food supply so that in the event of a natural disaster, a terrorist attack, or civil disobedience on a massive scale, you will be able to eat and to thrive – no matter what.

Top 10 Best Wild Berries for Foragers

Top 10 Best Wild Berries for Foragers

Wild berries are an elusive fruit. They appear for a short period during summer and fall, and then seem to disappear just as quickly. Their period of perfect ripeness moves…

Top 5 Coffee Substitutes to Forage When SHTF

Top 5 Coffee Substitutes to Forage When SHTF

When the SHTF, assuming you are able to manage to create a stable situation where you are able to survive day-to-day, those small comforts of life are what you’ll really…

Why and How to Grow Green Onions

Why and How to Grow Green Onions

There are plenty of good reasons to learn to grow green onions. In fact, there are more and more reasons to grow your own food. The recent E. coli outbreak…

Foraging Guide: The Best Wild Spinach Alternatives

Foraging Guide: The Best Wild Spinach Alternatives

When you tell people you forage for wild edible plants, one of the first questions you often get is, “What can you actually cook with this stuff?” The general impression…

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket

How to Grow Potatoes in a Bucket

Potatoes are an excellent source of food for a prepper garden. Nutritionally, a large potato has 280 calories and 63 grams of carbohydrate and seven grams of protein. Root vegetables…

Survival Friday: DIY Hardtack for Those Really Hard Times

Survival Friday: DIY Hardtack for Those Really Hard Times

One of the dilemmas we face in a long term SHTF situation is the lack of food. For that reason, many of us stockpile grains. Grains have a long shelf life, are nutritious and will keep us going when fresh food is not available. In an ideal world, we will mill our grains and bake up homemade bread in our cast iron pots that are cozied up the campfire.

Sounds good and even a bit romantic. Alas, although wheat and other grains can be milled into flour, yeast is a bit less hardy and after a few years, my not be viable. So what are the alternatives. There is sourdough of course. And then there is hardtack, a cracker like bread made without yeast whatsoever.

Roasting Coffee And Storing For Long Term Use

Roasting Coffee And Storing For Long Term Use

Coffee is a vice that a lot of us have in common. There are a lot of people that don’t drink or smoke but they do rely on that daily…

Biggers MRE Menus A-I: Making Tasty MREs At Home

Biggers MRE Menus A-I: Making Tasty MREs At Home

The MRE or Meal Ready To Eat is a staple of the US military but here is a little secret: most people really don’t like to eat them unless they…

Easy Camping Meals For Fun and Survival

Easy Camping Meals For Fun and Survival

There are so many great meals that you can make while camping while not using a lot of different pots and pans or complicated ingredients. Before we get into specific…

Einkorn Wheat: An Alternative For Those That Are Sensitive To Most Commercial Wheats

Einkorn Wheat: An Alternative For Those That Are Sensitive To Most Commercial Wheats

While a lot of us have switched to a gluten-free diet, the fact is that true Celiac Disease is extremely rare. I think it is pretty clear that a lot…

MRE Comparison: MRE Star Vs Western Frontier Warfighter

MRE Comparison: MRE Star Vs Western Frontier Warfighter

There is a lot of interest in MREs. I am going to try to compare a few over the next few months so that you can see a little more…

How To Make Pemmican

How To Make Pemmican

One of the older survival foods out there is pemmican. Pemmican is a mixture of dried meat, fruit, and fat that has been combined into a shelf stable superfood. Some…

How To Choose The Right Fermenting Crock: Best Fermenting Crocks

How To Choose The Right Fermenting Crock: Best Fermenting Crocks

Fermentation is an ancient way to preserve food that fits squarely into the modern prepper world. The process is by far less complicated than canning food, and it provides an…