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Survival Mindset & Inspiration

How To Disappear (As Much As Possible) and Deal With the Consequences

How To Disappear (As Much As Possible) and Deal With the Consequences

I want to start off by saying that disappearing is far harder now than it was a few decades ago. Before the internet was widely available, digital cameras and inexpensive…

Using Fiber Optics For Cheap Lighting: Lessons From Venezuela

Using Fiber Optics For Cheap Lighting: Lessons From Venezuela

I have always thought we preppers need to implement low tech as much as possible. Simplicity and maintainability are key for someone living off-grid. After having worked for so long…

The Supplies You Need To Stockpile For TEOTWAWKI

The Supplies You Need To Stockpile For TEOTWAWKI

There are a lot of things you could stash away but what are the items that will be most in demand in a TEOTWAWKI situation? The answer to that is…

Preparing For the Second Wave of COVID-19 In the Midst of the First

Preparing For the Second Wave of COVID-19 In the Midst of the First

I see the phrase “second wave” a lot. This bothers me. As much as I hate to say it, we are still well within the first wave of COVID-19 regardless…

Personal Security and Safety On A Secluded Homestead: Lessons From Venezuela

Personal Security and Safety On A Secluded Homestead: Lessons From Venezuela

As most of you already know, we have been forbidden in 2012 by the thugs in power to carry any kind of gun in Venezuela. The monopoly of force declared…

Urban Guerrilla Tactics During Times of Severe Civil Unrest and War

Urban Guerrilla Tactics During Times of Severe Civil Unrest and War

Lesson: People get innovative with defense and they do it fast. It doesn’t matter where you live, I bet that people will get creative with weapons and defensive tactics within…

Outfitting A Camper For Bugging Out

Outfitting A Camper For Bugging Out

A lot of people are buying campers to live in part of the year, full time, or have on hand in case they need to get out during an emergency….

Planning a Safe Vacation During COVID-19

Planning a Safe Vacation During COVID-19

Sitting alone as the waves beat the shore before me, I had a line in the surf and a slice of sun just peaked up over the horizon. It looked…

Pantry Organization and Designing a SHTF Kitchen Layout

Pantry Organization and Designing a SHTF Kitchen Layout

One thing that recent events have led to is the realization that the kitchen and pantry cannot continue to be set up the same way. I always felt that my…

Riots, Protests, and Civil Unrest: How to move and protect yourself if you must go out

Riots, Protests, and Civil Unrest: How to move and protect yourself if you must go out

I wrote the post below a few years ago but considering the state of things today, I think it is worth revisiting these lessons. As each state starts opening back…

The Many Uses of Metal and Plastic Barrels and Drums

The Many Uses of Metal and Plastic Barrels and Drums

Today when Matt and I were cleaning up and organizing so we would be in a good place to get started on some long-awaited finish work on the barn and…

Staying Ahead Of The Shortages: What To Stock Up On For The Coming Year

Staying Ahead Of The Shortages: What To Stock Up On For The Coming Year

While a lot of people are concerned about food shortages, one should not forget that there are a lot of items that make life easier or at least more enjoyable…

Haircuts and Home Hair Color During Quarantine

Haircuts and Home Hair Color During Quarantine

Although I have been at home for over two months, I have been trying to pay a lot of attention to what is going in the world and the attitude…

4 Reasons Why You Need A Pond

4 Reasons Why You Need A Pond

Everyone knows the vital importance of water, prepper or not. Many people have already started, without even knowing what prepping is, to make sure they have a quality source of…

Using Computers for Prepping Systems and Organization – part 2

Using Computers for Prepping Systems and Organization – part 2

Dear readers, as many of us know, computers changed the world making it what it is now. The usefulness and practical uses of modern (or not so modern) PCs is…

Bringing Production and Work Back Into The Urban and Rural Home

Bringing Production and Work Back Into The Urban and Rural Home

We live in a world where we outsource many things that used to be done in the home. After all, if people are working jobs away from home and commuting…