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This article, 12 Tips to Use It Up, Wear It Out and Make It Do, was updated in 2016.
12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression
9 Responses to “12 Tips to Use It Up, Wear It Out and Make It Do”
That’s always been one of my favorite expressions, I try to live by it with the exception of chocolate.
My 99 year old friend who lived through the depression said their motto was “Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do or do without.” We are all hoping that we don’t have to “do without.”
Enjoy your good articles and tips. I have MS and live in a small apartment and don’t know how much good it will do me in the end, but enjoy them anyway. Thanks again.
Enjoy your articles and tips. I have MS and live in a small apartment and don’t know how much good prepping will do me in the end, but think about it a lot anyway. Again, Thanks for good reading!
Great read. I’m glad to have found you, not that the items posted in your article were unknown to me, its just that some times a good reminder does a soul good, thanks, many thanks for the reminder. I am alone in this world as my Ms’s died on me a few years back and she was the brains of this unit, miss her a great deal, after reading through the article of yours it was reminiscent time all over again, these same things we often talked and planned over a many of nights together. . God Bless and keep up the good work.
It shocks me how much we just throw away. Including myself. Great article. We all need to be reminded from time to time.
There’s another line to that little jingle! “Use it up, wear it out, make it do, do without.”
It’s amazing how if you do without something you think you need/want, you will find you didn’t actually need it after all!
I especially like “#3. Used can be just as good as new” …. we have become a throw away society. I use to sell electronics and can’t tell you how many people would buy a new “insert gadget name here” even though they had something similar that already worked and was sufficient for their needs. I wish I had money to throw away like that. Then again I probably still would not do it … and more than likely they can’t afford to do it either.