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Shortly after the 2016 election, I read an article by one of my blogging colleagues titled “Is Prepping Dead?”. I felt so strongly about what she said that I shared her article throughout the social media, hoping that others would see it and continue their preparedness efforts. Now, one month later, I can confirm that I too am seeing signs that prepping, while not dead, has certainly slowed down. This seems odd to me since the likelihood of a disruptive event has not changed. It is as strong now as ever.
What are those signals and why should we continue to be prepared and to proudly call ourselves “Preppers”? Let me explain.
Signs and Signals That Prepping Has Slowed Down
Every legitimate blogger I know has a sickness called “check your stats”. And, with the exception of the fear mongers and those pitching to extreme preppers, all of us have seen a sharp decline in blog traffic since the election. In addition, most of the sponsors I deal with have told me sales are sharply down.
Another signal that prepping mania has slowed comes from the many emails and comments I receive. Lately, there has been a shift to homesteading and self-sufficient lifestyle questions. Very little has come across my desk relative to a long-term disruptive event such as global economic collapse, EMP, or cyber attack.
Has prepping reached a saturation point?
To help answer this, I called my economics guru, George Ure, over at Urban Survival, to get his take on this matter. To paraphrase, here is what he said.
Right or wrong, the stock market has soared these past six weeks. This is in spite of fundamentals that do not make sense. We have a national debt problem that is not going away anytime soon, automation and robots are still gobbling up manufacturing jobs, and health care for an aging population will continue to skyrocket, the repeal of Obamacare notwithstanding.
You know this as well as I do, Gaye, market down and prepping is up Market up and no one cares.
In my opinion, there are simply too many moving pieces for all of our economic woes to go away with a snap of the fingers (that being a metaphor for “change in national leadership”). And then there is Mother Nature.
Why Prepping is a Long-Term Lifestyle Investment
When it comes to disruptive events, the one thing we are unable to predict are the ravages of Mother Nature. Hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, floods, wildfires and other natural disasters are going to happen. We just don’t know and precisely where. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that a natural disaster is not an event that only happens to someone else. Far from it.
There are disruptive events caused by bad people. An EMP, cyber attack, pandemic and other catastrophic, apocalyptic events caused by man give us a strong incentive to keep on prepping. More common scenarios are a job loss or the cost of an extended hospital stay. And what about a nuclear accident,? Even the best-prepared preppers will be at risk.
With so many things that can go wrong, there are those that are going to argue that the cost is too high. They claim that prepping is expensive. To them, I say get real, buddy. Tap water is almost free and so are empty soda bottles. Yes, I do own an expensive water filtering system but my garage and freezer are also filled with repurposed soda bottles filled with free tap water.
I own dozens of flashlights but many are of the variety. Perhaps not the highest in quality but they do work and are better than being in the dark when the power goes out. I know how to build a fire using biomass and to keep it going so I can cook food. The space under my bed is filled with canned fruits, vegetables, and beans picked up on sale for less than a dollar a can. Now tell me again, prepping is too expensive?
Additional Reading: 100 Budget Friendly Items for the Frugal Prepper
The bottom line is that people at all income levels can find an excuse for not prepping if they want to. Sadly, this is a problem for the rest of us because we are the ones that will be left holding the bag, and defending what is ours if the stuff hits the fan.
It is my opinion that to get around this, we must continue to evangelize and continue to educate those that are willing to listen. One way to do this is to tell them that prepping is an investment just like insurance. But unlike insurance, prepping is not a use or lose proposition. At the end the year, your preps carry forward, there for you should a disruptive event come knocking on your door sometime down the road. Can you say that about your car insurance whose clock starts over each year?
What To Do Now to Keep the Prepping Glow Alive
The rules of engagement have not changed. Here are a few things you can keep on doing to ensure your stats as a prepper of the highest order.
- Live below your means and save what is left over for your preps
- Get out of debt
- Continue to store food and water to get you by during hard times
- Develop basic skills such as cooking from scratch, building fires, and purifying water. Beyond that, develop more advanced survival skills based on where you live and the number of people who depend on you for shelter.
- Learn a pioneer skill that you can fall back for barter income on in the event a catastrophic event throws us back to the 19th century
- Stockpile first aid supplies and medications. Learn about natural remedies you can use when traditional medications are not available.
- Learn to become a MacGyver when it comes to making household repairs.
- Use it up, wear it out, and make do!
Additional Reading: 12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression
The Final Word
According to George, his crystal ball is telling him markets will reach an all-time high late in 2017 or early 2018. Furthermore, when the market falls, there will be panic prepping. I do agree that when and if that does happen, things will be bad for those that are living high on the hog based upon the value of their investments. Savings and retirement accounts could vanish and we will have 2009 all over again. Maybe worse.
For that reason, my own investments are not in the stock market but in food storage, property, and the supplies I need to be self-sufficient. Nothing has changed in that respect. Nothing. Yes, I am thrilled that we have new leadership in Washington, but as a realist, I know that effecting change takes time. In the meantime, I want to be ready so if the SHTF, I am safe, I am well-fed, and I am comfortable.
To wrap up, it is my opinion that prepping is not dead. Prepper-mania may have waned, but for those of us that want to secure a future of self-reliance, prepping will never be optional.
Enjoy your next adventure through common sense and thoughtful preparation!
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Below you will the items related to today’s article as well as other personal favorites.
Mini CREE Q5 LED Zoomable 1200 Lumens Flashlight: I am calling this my “3 buck flashlight”. It took a few weeks to get here but since arriving, I have been doing my best to get it to fail but so far, it is working perfectly. It uses a single AA battery (I am using a recharged Alkaline battery). This is another one of those great deals that is difficult to pass up.
LifeStraw Personal Water Filter: The LifeStraw is considered the most advanced, compact, ultralight personal water filter available. It contains no chemicals or iodinated resin, no batteries and no moving parts to break or wear out. It weighs only 2 oz. making it perfect for the prepper. For more information, see my LifeStraw review.
Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets (Pack of 10): I do believe in helping my neighbors in the community so a supply of these will be handy to hand out to those in need. You will be surprised at how warm these will keep you. Be sure to test one out in advance so that you have the confidence to trust the blanket in an emergency.
Mighty Charger for Both Alkaline and Rechargeable Batteries: I don’t know why I have not reviewed this nifty battery charger yet but I do need to do that. The Mighty Charger is a compact charger that works with both Alkaline and Ni-MH AA, AAA batteries and 9V batteries. I like it’s small form factor and the fact that it will automatically detect the type of battery and charge it up.
EcoZoom Versa: This rocket-type stove burns wood, charcoal, and biomass. It is easy to use and fast. It will cook a pot of rice, as an example, start to finish in less than 20 minutes. I actually own two.
Tac Force TF-705BK Tactical Assisted Opening Folding Knife 4.5-Inch Closed: This is a great knife that is currently priced with free shipping. Not only that, it is ranked as the #1 best seller in both the camping and hunting knives categories. The reviews raved about this knife so I bought one, used it, and can recommend it. See The Inexpensive Tac-Force Speedster Outdoor Knife.
64 Responses to “Do You Think Prepping Has Died?”
Perhaps recently people are becoming more relaxed about prepping, but I’ve noticed there are lots of people who prep and call it “environmental awareness” and don’t even know the word “preppers”. I think that with the way the world has become, more people are aware and will make at least some effort to be prepared for the unexpected.
I have been prepping (and reading your articles) for years. I would never say I am DONE prepping, because its like laundry, there is always more, more to buy, more to learn. I will say I am in a comfortable place with my preps and my knowledge. Before the election, I was in super high gear prepping. And I am pretty sure it gave me fatigue. I do feel safer in general now that the election circus is over. For me, it got to a point were I have unfollowed all the different news sites and prepping sites on all social media because it was making me too anxious. Prepping used to relieve that anxiety not cause it. I will always be a prepper, or homesteader or whatever term. Right now, I just need a break from reading about the end.
I also unsubscribed for the same reason. However, I’ve still been preparing. Gaye’s site is the best but I need a break for awhile in the mental assault.
No, I don’t think prepping has died. I think it has just changed somewhat for the time being. Many were so concerned about the election results and such that they reacted quickly to stock up things and to purchase guns ammo etc.
Two of my favorite gifts this year were a Pur water filter and a book on essential oils. The water filter is certainly not the best but it is a start for us since we are on a rural water system that is not the most reliable. The printed book on essential oils and their uses is a huge help for me and will be a good reference for years to come.
Since we live in a forested area my husband plans to supplement our meat with the abundance of wildlife in our area including squirrels, rabbits and wild pigs. For that reason he asked for and received a new hunter orange vest that will be of good use this winter.
Food stores are pretty well under control here so we are looking more at water (extra never hurts so will be filling jugs from the filtered water), and alternate heating methods etc. Hoping to purchase a used propane range soon and install it in this all electric mobile home the state provides us. We have a larger tank that will work well for that. We also have extra gas cans filled, wood burning smoker/grill and plenty of candles, flashlights and oil lamps (although you can never have too many of these either).
I belong to a swap group online so get many of my candles and other items through it at a very low cost. Plus, we frequently shop at thrift stores and yard sales for items we can use. Our main concern now is gathering cash and coins to use in an emergency and at the moment (although only a small amount) we do have some available and are also trying to gather more bartering items.
Prepping varies with the political, economic and personal issues facing us but I don’t believe it will ever die. There will always be those of us who understand that being prepared is not just a scout motto but a life style we need to adopt.
Sorry, I got a bit long-winded. lol
I agree with John; folks are just so glad the 2-yr-long election circus is over we didn’t really care if the devil himself was elected! Also, Americans tend to turn to someone else to save them when trouble strikes whether it be a politician, religious leader, just someone so they don’t have to be responsible for themselves. My prepping is undergoing its usual first-of-the-year evaluation now but certainly not letting up. Happy New Year!
I think we’re seeing a slump now because of the holidays as well as a sigh of relief after the election. When I spoke to Morgan Stewart of, he noted gun sales might be more steady without frequent threats to gun confiscation. He agreed with the notions expressed in your article regarding natural disasters and potential for economic down turn. Perhaps prepping will take a different direction, but it’s not a time to let our guards down.
John, Gaye and others: Only so much will fit in the house, (most of us have ltd. space) also people may have to bug out in a hurry if there is a crisis. Pickup trucks and/or trailers only hold so much. More than one haul to a bug out place is risky if road blocks are set up. It is impossible to stock up on a life time supply of food, water, etc. unless you are over 85 yrs old. Friends and I have about a 6 wk supply and that’s all our houses have room for. Logistic thinking is important: Will people have time to load stuff and haul it to their bug outs without making more than one trip. Luggage, pet carriers, kids items (if people have kids), and other basic things must fit in trailers, trucks. If bug outs are far away it’s even more risky to return and haul more stuff. Am now in the process of decluttering and clearing out unused stuff for donations.
Hey Laura:
The one exception to that is if you have enough money then you can provide food and water plus whatever other necessities you could ever need for a lifetime…
I used to belong to a blog where this guy was a prepper, homesteader, had his own security business, was part of a,special forces group, etc…
Anyway, he would get hired by people with money to come in and set up there homes, bug-out locations, etc… for them.
He would build whatever they wanted and what he thought they needed, take care of all security measures, set up sustainable food and water sources, stock prepper items for how long they wanted or could afford, helped them pick out the proper weapons to protect their families with, taught weapons training to all family members who were old enough, etc… I believe that I’ve painted a good picture for you…
He would also post these places and ones that someone else had done for the owners who wanted to sell for whatever reason…
Some of these places just blew my mind, he always did a walk-thru video to show you everything that you would be getting.
One of the places that he was showing for sale came with a 30yrs supply of food and water for four people, that does not include the sustainable food and water sources that were established on the property too…
Like everything else in our world, it all comes down to having money…
Have a great one…!
Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.
Jeff said it best. I say if you have no past to remember eventually you will have one you may regret, for not prepping
Amen to that…!
What is the term? “Normalizing”? People are so programmed to believe that “every little thing is gonna be allrite” (I can hear the music in my head) and that it always will be (how many are still alive that lived in Depression times?) that they don’t believe that anything CAN happen. Well, it can, it HAS, and it WILL happen again!
Excellent article! Too many people are swayed by the media in the wrong way: I am what y’all would call a liberal…but I have lived through flood, hurricanes and tornados. Also, I see the vulnerabilities of our aging infrastructures. Prepping is a common-sense notion for anyone who wants their family to survive a disaster. Believe you me, as the article points out, we are all one step away from something happening. Take care of you and your loved ones.
Thank you so much for this timely article. I have not slowed down in my prepping because I see the same signs you do and believe that somehow, somewhere something is going to burst. Being on a limited budget, I cannot spend much money every month but have become more aware of how to obtain preps for free or nearly no cost, i.e. shopping at thrift stores, the local transfer station’s “dump store”, etc. We had high winds a few nights ago and the yard was full of twigs and small branches that were blown down and I gathered up all that I could to use as kindling for the wood stove. This whole prepping journey has made me a new person, much to the head-scratching of my friends and relatives. Again, thank you so much for your dedication to your blog. I look forward to reading and gleaning from them all.
“the local transfer station’s dump store”?
I think people are weary, Gaye. I think they’re needing a breather. I also think we’re waiting and watching. I’ve been prepping a long time, but it’s more of a self-sufficiency lifestyle. That’s really where prepping eventually leads, I think. I am just as concerned as ever, but suddenly the landscape has changed and I don’t know for better, worse, or the same. I have lots of stuff. Now I’m concentrating on skills and renewable resources. Once you are truly a lifelong prepper, comes a time when you are simply busy doing the work.
I agree with you. My own prepping these days is less about stuff and more about long term survival without modern conveniences. Simple things such as spending an evening without electronics or the internet test my ability to cope and be self-entertaining. That, plus cooking from scratch with whatever is available, lighting a fire on the spur of the moment, and hand washing my laundry are things I spring on myself. So yes, many are now simply doing the work. I fear, however, that those who have quit, or never started, will become a burden at some point down the road.
I ABSOLUTELY agree with you!
Georgie, you nailed my thoughts exactly ????