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Prepping & Survival Books

Prepper Book Festival 10: The Best New Books to Help You Prepare

Prepper Book Festival 10: The Best New Books to Help You Prepare

It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to the books that were selected for the Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival #10.  My gosh, what a line-up.  For the…

Prepper Book Festival 9: Chickens From Scratch

Prepper Book Festival 9: Chickens From Scratch

One of my dreams is to someday own a small flock of chickens.  I would tend to the flock myself and have plenty of fresh, wholesome eggs to serve for…

Prepper Book Festival 9: Prepper’s Natural Medicine

Prepper Book Festival 9: Prepper’s Natural Medicine

As an advocate of both essential oils and medical self-care, I am constantly on the look out for credible information that will afford good health without dependence on toxic pharmaceuticals. …

Prepper Book Festival 9: Prepper’s Water Survival Guide

Prepper Book Festival 9: Prepper’s Water Survival Guide

Last week I indicated that this was going to be “Water Month” on Backdoor Survival.  What better way to kick the month off then with a book on water that…

Prepper Book Festival 9 Is Now Here!

Prepper Book Festival 9 Is Now Here!

In what has become a Backdoor Survival tradition, Prepper Book Festival 9 is now here with an all new selection of books, author interviews, and giveaways. This time around I…

Prepper Book Festival 8: Ron Brown and The Non Electric Lighting Series

Prepper Book Festival 8: Ron Brown and The Non Electric Lighting Series

Longtime readers of Backdoor Survival need no introduction to my friend Ron Brown. He is the author of the popular Propane for Preppers series and the NEW 2000-Hour Flashlight, a…

Prepper Book Festival 8: A Time to Endure

Prepper Book Festival 8: A Time to Endure

Last year when I read Kyle Pratt’s “Through Many Fires”, I could not put it down.  In that book, nuclear terrorism destroys a number of American cities and chaos prevails. …

Prepper Book Festival 8: Aftermath A Story of Survival

Prepper Book Festival 8: Aftermath A Story of Survival

This week’s author interview and book giveaway in the Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival 8 is singularly special not only because of the book itself but because the author is…

BDS Prepper Book Festival 8 Is Here!

BDS Prepper Book Festival 8 Is Here!

Spring is in the air and along with it brings an all-new Backdoor Survival Prepper Book Festival. It appears that word has gotten out about these BDS book festivals because…

BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son

BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son

The current Backdoor Survival Book Festival ends today with one of the most unique books yet.  Prepper Pete’s Gun of a Son is a remarkable book on gun safety for…

BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete is Back

BDS Book Festival 7: Prepper Pete is Back

Prepper Pete is back with Twelve Days of Prepper Christmas. Charming and perfect for the special kiddo in your life.

BDS Book Festival 7: The Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook

BDS Book Festival 7: The Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook

Today I share the next author interview and giveaway in the Backdoor Survival Book Festival 7. Tammy Gangloff, Steven Gangloff, and SeptemFber Ferguson, the authors of Ultimate Dehydrator Cookbook, are…

BDS Book Festival 7: 5 Acres & A Dream – The Book

BDS Book Festival 7: 5 Acres & A Dream – The Book

Today I share the next author interview and giveaway in the Backdoor Survival Book Festival 7.  Leigh Tate, the blogger at the popular homesteading site, 5 Acres and a Dream,…

BDS Book Festival 7: Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness

BDS Book Festival 7: Practical Preppers Complete Guide to Disaster Preparedness

I am shaking things up this week by running the next author interview and giveaway in the Backdoor Survival Book Festival 7 a day early. Scott Hunt, the author of…

Backdoor Survival Book Festival 7

Backdoor Survival Book Festival 7

Today I am thrilled to announce the newest book festival in the Backdoor Survival lineup: Book Festival 7.  Once again, I am bringing you an amazing assortment of books and…

Summer/Fall 2014 Book Festival: Collective Retribution

Summer/Fall 2014 Book Festival: Collective Retribution

Next up on the Summer/Fall 2014 Backdoor Survival Book Festival is another piece of prophetic fiction, this time from author D.S. Edwards.  The book is Collective Retribution and it is…