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How to Sharpen Razor Blades for the Long Term

How to Sharpen Razor Blades for the Long Term

These days I have been doing a lot of thinking about my daily hygiene and beauty routine as it relates to a long term survival situation.  I don’t want to…

Best Survival Water Filters – The Ultimate Guide

Best Survival Water Filters – The Ultimate Guide

Water filtration is one of the most if not the most important part of any survival plan. You can do for a while without a lot of things but water…

Top 5 Easy-to-ID Edible Mushrooms for Beginners

Top 5 Easy-to-ID Edible Mushrooms for Beginners

There’s something otherworldly and mysterious about the world of fungi, which is part of the reason taking the dive into wild mushroom hunting can be so intimidating. Even after becoming…

12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression

12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression

Most of us are too young to remember the Great Depression but thankfully, many of our elders have passed on personal memoirs of the era and how they survived hard times. With today’s uncertainties, it is good to recall some of the frugal lessons from the great depression. Here are twelve.

100 Budget Friendly Items for the Frugal Prepper

100 Budget Friendly Items for the Frugal Prepper

One of the myths of prepping is that it is expensive. Sure, there are many items that are pricey but there are a whole lot more that are are budget-friendly. Many of these 100 items were suggested by Backdoor Survival readers, who, generally speaking, are a frugal bunch. Are there some of your favorites that are missing from this list?

It is Never Too Late to Embrace Personal Austerity

It is Never Too Late to Embrace Personal Austerity

Whenever my travels take me to the Seattle area, I am amazed at the extent of conspicuous consumption. The fancy cars, the filled-to-the-brim shopping bags, and the crammed-to-the-gills restaurants are…

The Sweet Spot of Frugal

The Sweet Spot of Frugal

Without overtly saying so, a typical theme on my website at  Backdoor Survival and others like it is saving money.  Whether it is making your own household products, finding new…

12 Tips to Use It Up, Wear It Out and Make It Do

12 Tips to Use It Up, Wear It Out and Make It Do

During the Great Depression, frugality was considered a virtue and the phrase “Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do” was the guiding principal in most households.

Times were tough which meant nothing was wasted. 12 ways that you can use it up or make it do.

How to Make Your Own Dirt Cheap Soft Soap

How to Make Your Own Dirt Cheap Soft Soap

How to make a gallon of Dirt Cheap Soft Soap for 80 cents or less using bar soap, water and glycerin. This is so easy and fun – you will feel like a chemist and yet you are using no harsh chemicals. A total win!

Depression Cooking: A Visit to Clara’s Kitchen

Depression Cooking: A Visit to Clara’s Kitchen

Depression cooking is a skill that we all should learn. Come in to Clara’s kitchen to see how to eat well when food and money are scarce. You will become both motivated and charmed!

Some Tips for Surviving an Economic Meltdown

Some Tips for Surviving an Economic Meltdown

As difficult as it may be to fathom, the current lousy economy may not be the worst case scenario.  All I have to do is look around and be observant…